This past weekend, featured three important art events. In themselves, they were wonderful and featured inspiring art and human connections. For myself, they’re also meaningful markers on my path as an artist.

Post-Historic St. Pete at Great Bay Distributors
The first event wasn’t public. Friday morning, I got to hang my mixed-media photo installations “Post-Historic St. Pete I” and “Post-Historic St. Pete II” in the offices of Great Bay Distributors.

Director of Community and Cultural Affairs Jennifer Petrini-Lovelady had purchased both pieces at the Creative Pinellas Arts Annual Hurricane Release Fundraiser. Great Bay Distributors is a generous supporter of local arts; in supporting events and in purchasing art from local artists. The collection of art on the large office walls is extraordinary!
Because these works in particular require an involved installation, I got to go myself to put them together. And it was such a fantastic treat! Not only did I get to meet and chat with Jennifer and other employees about St. Pete and the specific topic of my series – I also got to wander the halls and take in the outstanding art in the collection. I am very proud to have my work displayed alongside work by iBombs, Frank Strunk, BASK, Carrie Jadus and more. Also I’m very inspired by some of the work I saw and have some new ideas of my own…

Thank you Jennifer and Great Bay Distributors for making this happen!

Some of you may know that these two installations were supposed to be part of the Gobioff Grant funded exhibit Post-Historic St. Pete scheduled for April. I may borrow them from GBD for the exhibit – but I also might just create something new to in their places.

Mandala Project at Florida CraftArt
Friday evening was the opening party for the 2025 Mandala Project at Florida CraftArt. And what a party it was! It definitely seemed like it was the place to be that evening – and I was amazed by how many people I knew from all different groups and connections in my life. Of course, the true highlight was the enchanting work on display. It’s an honor to have my work part of this exhibit.
Florida CraftArt: “The Mandala Project is an invitational exhibition featuring works by over 80 renowned regional artists in conjunction with our annual Tibetan Monks Sacred Arts Tour (January 13-18, 2025).
This was the first time I’ve been invited to one of those exhibits with a specific prompt (mandala on a 12×12 wood square). I hope I’ll get invited to more.
For this exhibit, I created a wood transfer of a photo I consider a natural mandala: a photo of a pineapple bloom from above. Creating the transfer was quite meditative – especially during a rather frantic time in December.
Mandala Project 2025
Exhibition dates: January 10–23, 2025
501 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

2nd 2nd Saturday ArtWalk
No, that’s not a typo. The December 2nd Saturday ArtWalk was the first time I participated as a studio tenant at the ArtsXchange in the Warehouse Arts District. It was a wild night of wonder, art and celebration. But it’s the 2nd time that manifests that something is real and lasting. That’s what the January 2nd Saturday ArtWalk was all about for me.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello, to check out my work, to make a purchase – and thank you to all the artists in the ArtsXchange who co-create the collection and the atmosphere and to everyone who danced themselves free after-hours.
Talking about after-hours… after the weekend, on Monday night, a few of us ArtsXchange tenants met up to discuss a strategy to have the studios of the ArtsXchange open during the day Wednesday through Saturday. Very excited for things to come. I’ll keep you posted…