Please help us win the title of BEST OF THE BAY in the category Best Gallery (Non-Museum) Show for the Creative Pinellas 2024 Emerging Artist exhibit and vote for us HERE – daily until August 31.


It’s the show, for which I created the “Public Walls and In-Between Spaces” installation (and YOU may have added your mark to the inside walls). All the artist went above and beyond for this show, and I do believe it was the most diverse exhibit of the year.

You can also vote for Creative Pinellas Gallery, their annual Arts Party, and “our” curator Beth Gelman in other categories. Thank you! And thanks to this Best Of The Bay list by Creative Loafing Tampa Bay, you can learn about all kinds of great events, organizations, services, makers, restaurants and bars in the Tampa Bay area – just by checking out all the Best Of The Bay nominations.

And a big THANK YOU to whoever nominated us!

BTW top right image shows audience looking at my installation, bottom left is the installation by David McCauley, and bottom right are visitors interacting with the installation by Harriet Monzon-Aguirre.

Image credit: Creative Pinellas and Sandra Sonik

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