With the help of mastermind James Israel at indieWIRE I finally learned how to post the video in a larger size. It’s just a matter of typing in a different size… who knew?
Now if someone could only clue me in: when people view the clip here does that get counted anywhere? vMix.com who is hosting the videos is counting hits – but is that only for views directly on their site or could that include views of the embeded file, since I’m not really uploading, only pointing to it? Anyone?
Addition 1/24:
- Jeff Marks from Wallstrip & BrightRED Pictures gave me all the facts today. When embedding a widget for a video (in this case I get it from Fox Searchlight) onto a site (e.g., this blog) it still gets played from the original hosting site (in our case vMix.com) and therefore each view gets counted on the hosting site no matter where the video was actually watched.
- I will now replace all the small screen episodes with larger screen versions so you can view the whole season of “iW: VIDEO On The Scene in Park City ’07” here.