Earlier this summer Paper Magazine editor Rebecca Carroll interviewed me for the show DocStock, which airs on Plum TV, about All’s Well and Fair.
They were so kind to allow me to post my segment.
While I cringe at watching myself (I swear cameras add 20 pounds and there’s no way I usually sound so snotty), I’m super happy to be talking about this film and its subject and cherish every opportunity to share more information about it.
Thank you so much to Rebecca Carroll, Sara Wolitzky and everyone else at DocStock for having me on the show.
How wonderful! You looked beautiful, and you sounded warm, authoritative, and so committed to the project! The clips looked great and the choice of clips gave a distinct, intriguing, engaging impression of the film. I am so glad I saw this – It gave me a completely different perspective than I get in your living room with the four guys and your very demanding kitty.
My task watching this was not to analyze and prepare concise, rapid-fire group critique, but to listen, be curious, and be drawn to the profoundly compelling and comfortably magnetic characters. God, you can tell they trusted you! I have to stop now or else I’ll get into a continuation of Saturday on your blog, when I should wait for the next Saturday or when I see you this week! 
Conicidentally, 49Up was on POV last night and I watched the whole two and a half hours twice. You are continuing a great tradition, even though I know many things about your approach is very different. (And your subjects sure sound and look a lot less furious than Apted’s did about being reminded of what they were like ages ago.
What I am so impressed with ultimately is that with this film and AG’sC, you, (and Scott), are really following your hearts…how noble and admirable.
I can’t wait to see this when it is done. The Jerome Foundation has excellent taste.
Bravissima Cara!!!
I will e-mail you about seeing Control on Friday night. (On NPR Anton Corbijn pronounced his name “kor-bane” like Cobain but with an r stuck in. Go figure.)
Thank you, Lisa, those are all wonderful thoughts!
Wow! Luci, this is fantastic. This doc sounds better and better each time I hear about it. You did a fantastic job explaining and introducing the work. I totally agree with Lisa… you’ve done a great job of introducing us to these amazing women. I love seeing them as angry young women, and then meeting them 10 years later when they’ve really had a chance to own who they are. Amazing! Can’t wait to see the whole thing…
Speaking of… when can I get to watch the whole thing???