There are so many events coming up featuring my art, on top of Happier Place pop-up shops, that I now have a comprehensive events calendar on my website.
The new LuciWest Events Calendar has all the information you need about upcoming events, including a google maps location.

Just in the next three weeks, I have 6 events coming up. I’m super excited about all that is happening – from the creative challenge of the Halloween pop-up art show tomorrow to my first true Art Market next weekend in Lakeland (ArtCrawl), then a wood-themed photography solo exhibit “On Wood / Of Wood” at 4 Gats Gallery during St. Pete 2nd Saturday Art Walk, then finally the public reception for my St. Pete Moving Still project, which will actually conclude its social art run at Westminster Suncoast that will begin with an invite-only event on November 2nd.
After that the Moving Stills will be part of a group exhibit and the inaugural Bohemian Night at the Kenwood Gables Boutique B&B, which I’ll tell you more about another day…
10 days after that, it’s Shoppapalooza time again!
Then I’m back home in Germany for a week.
And then finally on December 18, it’s the inaugural Winter in the ‘Wood that I’m co-organizing as well.
As you can imagine with all that going on and with some of the artwork not even quite finished yet, keeping people informed about upcoming events is falling a bit short (as is sleep, eating, and rest).
So I’m hoping having this events calendar, will keep you, my friends, informed about what is happening when and where with my art and my business.
If you want, you can even subscribe to the events calendar and never miss an update.
And if you’d like to have an events calendar like this on your WordPress website, the one I’m using is the popular The Events Calendar plugin. So far so good.
Oh, and in turn, if anyone can help me figure out why all my thumbnails are blurry ever since the website crashed a few weeks ago, I’d be much obliged. Don’t have time to figure that out right now…