This year, my photography appears in two very different monthly wall calendars: the practical 2022 Happier Place nature photography calendar and the poster-sized 2022 St. PetersBird bird photography calendar.

Granted, I’m also the person who designed and basically created both these calendars, aside from the printing companies that made the actual calendars. So choosing my own photos is only natural because, of course, I can use them free of charge.
2022 Happier Place Nature Photography Calendar

For the 5th year in a row, I created the Happier Place calendar featuring mostly landscape and a few close-up nature photos from my travels and local wanderings. Even though there wasn’t much travel last year, I was still able to include several photos taken in 2021.
The 2022 calendar photos feature Kachemak Bay (Alaska), Canyonlands National Park (Utah), dogwood tree (North Carolina), Land’s End rock formation in Cabo San Lucas (Mexico), The Jesteburg Fairytale Trail in the Lüneburger Heide, which I walked with my bester Freund Erik (Germany), Tallulah River (Georgia), bee and passion vine bloom in my neighbor Sudsy’s yard (Florida), Ilha Grande (Brazil), beach morning glories on Honeymoon Island (Florida), Ghost Ranch (New Mexico), sunset over the Rocky Mountains seen from St. Vrain State Park (Colorado), snow covering Horsetooth Reservoir (Colorado), and on the front cover the trail behind my parents’ home in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany).

For every month, the Happier Place calendar includes a date grid page with an inspiring or motivational message and all the US bank holidays, major religious holidays from various cultures, important UN days (e.g., International Day of Happiness, Earth Day, World Bee Day), and some fun days (e.g., Pi Day, May The Fourth, Creativity Day).
You can purchase that calendar via the Happier Place website: 2022 Happier Place Nature Calendar If you are on the Happier Place mailing list, you received a $5 off coupon in our email on New Year’s Day. It’s valid until end-of-day tomorrow (January 8th).
2022 St. PetersBird Florida Bird Photography Calendar

The inaugural (or only-ever?) St. PetersBird calendar is all about the bird photography. Each month features a large photo of a bird I captured mostly in and around St. Petersburg, Florida. A few I took in other Florida locations, including Gainesville (hawk) and The Everglades (osprey).
This calendar is not only oversized, but also printed on heavy card-stock. So for now, I’m not officially shipping it or selling it online. So far only Erica received on up in Brooklyn – and shipping was $12 and was only possible because I happened to have a matching, large, heavy-duty envelope from Germany.
I have been selling this calendar at local markets – and even had to order a reprint after I sold out of the first batch. Now I still have a few left. So if you want to get a 2022 St. PetersBird Calendar, lets’ talk…
Making this calendar was a very spontaneous idea when I was gearing up for Bungalow Fest and the reveal of our finials, which in my case are two silhouettes of birds. The term St. PetersBird had been floating around in my head for a while. And when the lab I use for my MetalPrints to be shown at Bunaglow Fest offered these high end calendars, I made a quick decision to go for it…
Birds featured in the 2022 St. PetersBird Calendar: brown pelican, flamingo, great blue heron, osprey, roseate spoonbill, blue-crowned parakeets, reddish egret, blue heron, royal tern, red-shouldered hawk, Southern mockingbird, and sandhill crane.

By now I also have claimed the website As of this writing, all you get to see there is the pelican. But as of you reading this, I might have build something else there. Maybe a profile of each of the birds featured in the calendar…?
If you happen to support me via Patreon, I am gifting you the calendar of your choice – no matter your tier. If you haven’t told me yet which one you’d like, please do so soon so I can get it to you…