Another trip to Hamburg: FC St. Pauli, my soccer club, internationally known “Weltkulturgut” and cult favorite among the alternative crowd as well as the working class family, finally made it back into the Bundesliga (1st league or premiere league). Just 8 years ago they had slipped all the way down to 3rd league. But who even remembers that? The new motto: “Einfach mal glückllich sein” (literally: “to simply be happy once” – loosely: “to be in the moment and appreciate it”).
Now Hamburg has two soccer clubs play in the Bundesliga again. Think: Yankees (HSV) vs. Mets (St. Pauli). Wait, scratch that–
Think: Yankees vs. Dodgers… with the Dodgers about to celebrate their 100th anniversary and their stadium being in the red light district (which is what the song in the video is about).