My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the first romance novel I’ve ever read (not counting Sookie Stackhouse books*, which now seem to be a mere gateway drug). This is the first historical romance novel I’ve ever read. This particular kind of historical romance novel set in the early 1800s is like a steamy Jane Austen novel that doesn’t stop at declarations of disdain and love but moves right into kisses and more – right after declarations of disdain or love. Sarah MacLean describes her work on her Twitter page as “I write books. There’s smooching in them.” Well, let me tell you there’s a lot more than just smooching in them, a lot more… Who knew? Well all the lovers of romance novels must know.
But enough about the titillating “naughtiness”. It’s also a wonderfully inspiring story about the empowerment of a meek and insecure woman who breaks free from the suffocating niche society has pushed her into. When she decides to do what SHE wants, she embarks on a journey to really become who she is and in the process gets discovered and admired by those who have overlooked her before. I curtsy to you, Sarah MacLean, you created a fantastic literary treat with very memorable and nuanced characters, a driving plot line and delicious smooches. I cannot wait for the follow up “Ten Ways to Be Adored When Landing A Lord”. Thanks for getting me hooked 😉
For full disclosure: I’m proud to call Sarah a friend. But I don’t think this changes anything at all about this book being a fantastically entertaining read. It was just amazing to keep thinking: Sarah thought this up and put it in words. I honestly can’t wait to read more of her books, more of other friends books, see more of my friends films, hear their new records… You are all such an inspiration!
* book 10 coming out next week…