Hofftastic Sing uns den Flughafen fertig! – Get our airport finished by singing! |
Here are a few photos from last Sunday when David Hasselhoff visited the East Side Gallery to show his support and take a stand against more pieces of the Berlin wall being removed for real estate developments.
While there I made a video of him singing “Looking For Freedom”: David Hasselhoff sings at the wall to save the East Side Gallery
… and for the people with the shorter attention span or David Hasselhoff tolerance I also made 1-minute In A Berlin Minute video about it: David Hasselhoff tries to save the Berlin Wall – In A Berlin Minute (Week 151)
The Hoff looks out at the crowd from The Hoff Mobile Der Hoff guckt auf die Menge vom Hoff Mobil |
People climbed the wall – Leute klettern auf die Mauer |
Baywatch’s Mr. Blue Eyes sings Looking for Freedom |
Climbing The Berlin Wall at East Side Gallery |
K.I.T.T. at the Berlin Wall (East Side Gallery) |
TransAm that may or may not be K.I.T.T. showed up for David Hasselhoff’s visit at the Berlin Wall (East Side Gallery) |
Hurrah, die Mauer bleibt. Hurray, the wall remains. |
Watch the 1-minute video: David Hasselhoff tries to save the Berlin Wall – In A Berlin Minute (Week 151)

David Hasselhoff tries to save the Berlin Wall - In A Berlin Minute (Week 151) from Luci Westphal on Vimeo. On Sunday March 17th David Hasselhoff came to Berlin and joined an estimated 7000 people to protest the East Side Gallery being chopped up to make way for luxury condos…

Today David Hasselhoff came to Berlin to support the East Side Gallery - a stretch of the former wall, which has become both an outdoor art gallery and a memorial ever since about 20 years ago, shortly after the opening of The Wall, over a hundred artists from East…

This 1-minute video is only intended to give a quick impression of the East Side Gallery - an outdoor gallery of 105 official images painted on a 1.3 km section of the Berlin Wall in Friedrichshain. If you want to look at an image for longer or read a slogan,…