In a new-found quest to make my blog more useable and refrain from moving it to WordPress, I just installed a few more improvements.
On the right column you can now find a “Search This Blog” box. Just type in a term you are looking for and it will return a list of all the posts in this blog containing this term and even a list of all the websites I link to from this blog, which also include that search term. For example, you could find everything I ever linked to or wrote regarding “Mamou”. Go ahead, search for something. How about Gainesville?
To add the “Search This Blog” box on Blogger/Blogspot, just go into Dashboard -> Layout -> Page Elements. Then click on “Add A Gadget”. Right now it’s listed under “new” and under “basic”.

In an effort to streamline the look a bit, I took out the “subscribe to this blog”. It seems that most people now know that you can click on the RSS feed icon in the url window to subscribe through a reader. And if you aren’t familiar with RSS readers, you probably would want to use the “subscribe by email” anyway, which is still there in the right column.
The other piece new to this blog, is a way to easily share blog posts directly on social networking sites. Below each post there now is a section called “Share”.

(the actual share buttons are below the post)
If you click on “Share” you can instantly share the post to a ridiculous amount of different sites you frequent – the most popular are singled out directly, i.e., facebook, MySpace, Google Bookmarks and Twitter.
To add the social networking bookmark icons to all kinds of services (including the new blogger / blogspot), go to and follow the easy steps there. After scrambling with a bunch of html code that other sites recommended (and that still didn’t work), I couldn’t believe how easy it was to use this method. I’m so glad I found it eventually and I hope my post can help someone else.
I hope you like the new improvements to the Good Hard Working People Blog.
Please share this post or other posts from my blog that you find worth sharing by clicking on your preferred site’s icon below.