Coney Island Fireworks

My friend Erica and I rode our bikes out to Coney Island yesterday to watch the Friday night fireworks while having some drinks at Ruby’s. Because of the humidity the…

Tanzen and TED

Does time fly by even faster in Berlin or could it be because I’m still on New York time and therefore at least 6 hours behind everything? Okay, that makes…

Münzviertel Video

NDR’s Hamburg Journal, a German television show airing in the city of Hamburg, has been running a series about all the different neighborhoods in Hamburg (with an award winning complementary…

Luci SP-generated

Lisa Luciani just sent me this picture of the “South Park me”. I love it and it brought the little ray of sunshine I needed today. I’ve been struggling with…

My Voice in “The Tourist”

Today the short film “The Tourist” by filmmaking twin force James and Jeff Israel went online on the Rooftop Films/IFC site “Summer Shorts Online 2007”. It looks and sounds beautiful….