We had our final “All God’s Children” sound session with Tom Lino on Wednesday.

Have I mentioned yet how great it is to see someone else put their energy and creativity into your project? It’s also quite satisfying to describe what you want to hear and then have someone else be able to actually create it.

It’s been amazing to experience the Super 8 footage and photos come to life through sound design. Scott called those moments quite fittingly “sound reenactments”. Rather powerful!

Needless to say, Tom also mastered all the regular dialogue editing. Altogether the film sounds fantastic!

After a few technical steps we received the final mix on Friday. Some minor issues on our end (How much longer will that Sony VAIO workhorse make it? It’s hanging on by a thread…) and we managed to sync up the sound with the picture today.

So it’s official this evening: “All God’s Children” has a finished sound mix!

Okay, except for that last minute idea of recording a song for the end credits, which our favorite friend April Ruane of Celestial Films is taking care of this weekend.

Now, it’s on to color correction & mastering. We’re talking to several post houses – but we won’t get it done until after I get back from Germany.

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