Since I’ve mentioned the filmmaker collective MIH a few times I wanted to write a quick note about the group.

We originally grew out of a competitive screenwriting mentorship program at the AIVF (RIP). After the program was over we continued to meet and take advantage of scheduled deadlines and meetings, the highly-valued feedback of the group and the support network of peers.

Because all of us are not only screenwriters but also work in all other kinds of filmmaking and writing endeavors the group quickly grew into a more general filmmaking collective.

Over the years the group shrank in number a bit but grew in strength of knowledge, support and body of work.

To me being part of this group is essential to my work as a filmmaker and creative person. Not only do I get to get feedback about my work, I get to learn by viewing and discussing the work of others. I get to feel like I’m part of something – and even during an unproductive phase or while things look bleak the group reminds me that I am a creative. Maybe most importantly is the comfort of a support group that I can trust and that cares about my work and me.
Thanks guys & gals!!!

While this entry is filed under “about us and for you” please also consider this as a recommendation: if you are working in any creative field and haven’t done so yet, join or form a collective of like-minded people, meet regularly, help each other out, make it happen.

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