I made another frantic but thoroughly enjoyable weekend train trip to German cities.

This weekend in a 36-hour fly-by, I visited my friend Tina and baby and husband in Frankfurt and then my friend and Hamburg ex-roommate Robert in Mainz.

Editing all week and traveling each weekend (and spend time with friends and family). Life couldn’t be more perfect.

Enough talk, here are a few pictures.

Mainz skyline
(Robert’s roof)

containers on the Rhein river
(Robert’s roof)

Mainz skyline
(Robert’s hallway)

uhhh, church in Mainz

Mainzer Dom
Hanging of Weihnachtsstern in Mainz

Mainzer Dom

Mainzer Dom

Mainzer Marktplatz
(under renovation)
What exactly is Russian Disco?

Frankfurt train station shortly before the trip back to Hamburg

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