For my very last weekly 1-minute video and the 7-year anniversary of the “In A Minute” Moving Postcard web series, I shot and edited (that’s the hard part) a 1-minute portrait of myself, Luci Westphal. Awkward!
In this video, I “asked” myself the same questions as all my friends who bravely faced my camera for the In A Minute Portrait category. And like almost everyone’s, my answers were so long that I couldn’t include them all.
While making and publishing this video feels a bit weird, I thought it would be an appropriate video, with which to end exactly 7 years of weekly 1-minute videos. It finally shows the person behind the camera and gives you an idea of what is next.
May 7th, 2010 marks the publishing of the first video: Plane, Bus, Still, Train – In A Berlin Minute (Week 1). And now with this new video, there are officially 366 1-minute videos. If you were to watch only one a day, you’d have enough for an entire year, including Leap Year Day! It seemed like a good time to stop.
I’ve already shot a vlog about the series, which I will probably 😉 publish later this week on my YouTube channel. I will definitely write a blog post about the series in a few days with more details about the history, the people, the locations, the why and the why not anymore. I will add the link here, when it’s done… [5/7/17 It’s done: 7 Year-Anniversary + The Last MIN Episode]
For right now, I just want to say: THANK YOU all for watching, liking, commenting and sharing!
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has shown up in a video or just tagged along for a shoot. I know I often tested your patience.
An extra grateful thank you to the musicians who provided the soundtrack, especially Jason Matherne, Josh Woodward and Jason Shaw.
This has been an amazing, and sometimes challenging, but always gratifying journey. These weekly videos have been my structure, my religion, my addiction, my therapy, my motivation, my creative outlet and my connection to friends, strangers and the world. Thank you for coming on this journey with me and letting me know it meant something to you.
What’s next? As of right now, I believe I will continue to occasionally publish longer Moving Postcard videos. I will continue to publish photography via, my blog and Google+. But my main focus will be on finishing “All’s Well and Fair 3“… and getting ready for “the next big thing”.
xx Luci
P.S.: I’m still waiting for a response from my Papi regarding my dream trip. But in all fairness, I haven’t taken him to his dream destination mentioned in his In A Minute Portrait either.
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Luci Westphal – documentarian + maker of Moving Postcard web series |