Running in the park last summer I saw three Muslim women in full head-to-toe black dress and veil play Frisbee! It was a lovely sight.

Today I saw an orthodox Jewish (Hasidic?) woman wearing a long black velveteen skirt, stockings and white sneakers run by me. Her hair was completely wrapped in a scarf – presumably instead of the wig. And yes, for the sake of full disclosure: despite running in a long skirt she ran faster than me.

I was still taken by the thought of how much I love that in this wonderful Brooklyn park the joy of outdoor activity brings all different cultures together when I noticed that the Asian man jogging in a black trench coat was just barely hiding his reddish leggings and a reddish long dress… a Buddhist monk!?

Life is full of beautiful moments.

2 Replies to “Multi-Culti Prospect Park”

  1. that is great…

    reminds me of the time i was up there a few years ago and there was a cricket match going on with all the different native peoples of the british empire’s conquests…India, Jamaica, some Asian peeps in there too…


    i miss brooklyn

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