Because of all that’s been going on with finishing All’s Well and Fair, I haven’t had much time to blog or do a lot of things. So here, for a quick musical moment, are songs that I already had on my list for favorite songs of the 1st 1/4 of 2010 but which are timely because I think they channel the spirit and musical tone of my new documentary. As a matter of fact, the singer from Clinical Trials, Somer Bingham, is even from Florida. Wonder if she’s been through Gainesville…
Despite the fear of trivializing something real and sad and big, I’d like to dedicate the first song to Debbie and Scott, who are in my thoughts and heart today more than ever before. They don’t hate people – but then I don’t think that that’s what this song is really about. It’s about love and finding the one that fits just perfectly with you – like Debbie and Scott Miller. 

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