collage of urban photography hand-transferred to wood fence panel, part of installation Public Walls and In-Between Spaces, Panel 12: Miami
You can now add a “public wall” to your private collection. 

Purchase a piece of unique art: a single panel or an entire wall from my interactive installation “Public Walls + In-Between Spaces” originally exhibited at the Creative Pinellas Gallery.

Front and back of Panel 12 (“Miami Panel”)

Each panel features a different collage of my urban exploration photography, hand-transferred into the wood fence panel (built by Scott Solary aka Man Glitter Studio). 

The backside features sayings and drawings added by other artists and visitors during the public exhibition.

The panels are 6 feet tall – and either 22 inches or 31 inches wide and 2 inches deep. There are 11 panels, creating one wall of 3 panels and two walls of 4 panels each.

If you’re interested in purchasing an entire wall, it’s $4,500 (saving you $300).

Right Wall: Panels 11, 10, 9 and 8 (l to r)

For more information about specific locations and urban artists represented, please see the Photo Map Legend of “Public Walls and In-Between Spaces”  Thank you to the street artists who make our world a more interesting place.

Each panel is built from high-end white wood and has been covered 3 times with UV-protective art-quality varnish in the front (photo side) and once in the back (“leave your mark” side).

The full installation, which was conceived for the Emerging Artist exhibit at Creative Pinellas (May – July 2024), also included flower boxes and live wildflowers on the outside, a tarp over the structure, and inside were sleeping bags, food, suitcase, bags, books and other items alluding to a person taking shelter in-between public walls.

See media coverage about the Public Walls and In-Between Spaces installation and exhibit.

And yes, of course, you can come see the panels before you make the purchase. Also, I will deliver for free within a 2-hour driving radius from Tampa Bay. While I do NOT recommend shipping these panels, it’s not impossible. Let’s discuss options. 

EXHIBIT ALERT: I am also looking for opportunities to exhibit the entire “Public Walls + In-Between Spaces” again. If you are connected to a public indoor space and would like to host the entire installation, let’s make it happen! Any panels sold before the next exhibition, I will replace with something new…

Want to know more about this interactive artwork made possible through the Creative Pinellas 2024 Emerging Artist Grant? Check out one of these blog posts:

Artist Statement: Public Walls and In-Between Spaces

Mixing More Media: Growing (Through) A Grant Installation

Opening Night + The Art of The Creative Pinellas Emerging Artist Exhibit

Making-of Video and Art Talk for “Public Walls and In-Between Spaces” Installation

Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Art Inside In-Between Spaces

Photo Map Legend of “Public Walls and In-Between Spaces”

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