Arches National Park outside Moab, Utah, features so many striking sandstone rock formations that it’s almost hard to believe that they all formed naturally in this place – and aren’t a collection gathered from different locations to create this park. Of course, they are all natural formations continuously changing over time.

During a three-day visit to Utah in April, I took pictures of the formation at various times of day and was astonished how the rocks and landscape appeared so differently depending on the lighting conditions. This is a collection of some of my favorite photos from that visit. Originally, I intended to scan in some of the analog photos I took at Arches National Park in 2002, when we had the park pretty much to ourselves in February. Alas, this post is long overdue and I still haven’t gotten the scanner to work again.

When I published the 1-minute Moving Postcard video “Arches National Park (Utah) – In Another Minute (Week 365)” back in April, I wrote a longer post about the National Park. If you want to read more, check out that post.

You can see even more photos from this shoot in the MIN 365: Arches National Park Flickr album.

If you’d like to purchase a print of any of the images, head on over to If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please contact me there.

To see photos larger, don’t be shy and click on them…

Arches National Park and the La Sal Mountains in Utah.

The Three Gossips and The Sheep
Arches National Park, Utah

The Organ in Arches National Park
The Courthouse Towers: The Organ in the foreground and the Tower of Babel in the background.
Arches National Park, Utah.

Scale of rock formations in Arches National Park.

Texture of sandstone rock formations in Arches National Park.

Arches National Park, Utah
Cycling in Arches National Park.

Looking down on Moab from the serpentine entrance road to Arches National Park

Delicate Arch
Famous Delicate Arch
Arches National Park, Utah

Seeing Delicate Arch from afar shows it standing on the edge of a bowl.
Arches National Park, Utah

Arches National Park, Utah
Turret Arch and other sandstone formations in Arches National Park in front of the La Sal Mountains in Utah.

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
Arches National Park, Utah

North Window and South Window
Arches National Park, Utah

Keep Off Arches
Arches National Park, Utah

Turret Arch during Golden Hour
Arches National Park, Utah

Double Arch
Arches National Park, Utah

Double Arch
Arches National Park, Utah

Between Fiery Furnaces and Devil's Garden
Between Fiery Furnace and Devil’s Garden
Arches National Park, Utah

Skyline Arch in Devil’s Garden
Arches National Park, Utah

Where's the deer?
Do you see the deer hiding in Devil’s Garden?
Arches National Park, Utah

Pine Tree Arch
Pine Tree Arch in Devil’s Garden
Arches National Park, Utah

Pine Tree Arch
Arches National Park, Utah

Turret Arch
Arches National Park, Utah

North Window
Arches National Park, Utah

Colors going whack during Golden Hour in Arches National Park, Utah.

Inside the North Window
Arches National Park, Utah

Surreal colors around sunset in Arches National Park, Utah

Shadow of North Window on yet another rock formation.
Arches National Park, Utah

Arches National Park during Golden Hour.

Sunset in Arches National Park, Utah.

Parade of Elephants looking at the sunset
Parade of Elephants looking at the sunset in Arches National Park, Utah.

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