Meadow Flower – along the Finger Lakes Trail in the Finger Lakes National Forest
I can barely keep up with documenting all the travel & screenings of the past – while setting up the travel & screenings of the future. So with a few days delay here’s a recap of Scott and my trip to the Finger Lakes Region in upstate New York where All God’s Children played at the Curtis Baptist Church in Campbell, New York. Side fact: Campbell is pronounced Camp Bell. Who knew?

On Saturday, after 5 hours of driving through torrential rain the sky finally cleared up just as we got to the Finger Lakes Region. Now that driving was fun again, we circled around Keuka Lake until we found the perfect dinner spot at Waterfront Restaurant, which was right on the water and allowed the other guests to just hop in and out of their boats directly from the deck where we ate.
Later that evening we got to catch up with Dianne and Bud Couts, who had driven over from Ohio.
The next day we joined the Curtis Baptist Church’s congregation for lunch. We finally met the organizer of the screening, Shary Kroeker Hauber, who had also attended Mamou Alliance Academy, and the host, pastor Dale Ingraham, and his wife Faith. Many thanks to all three of them for having our film at their church.
While we had sat out front of the church, apparently a lot of people had come in the side door or just come up directly from the lunch downstairs because once we walked inside there were A LOT more people than I had expected.
A big thanks to everyone who came out. It seemed too beautiful of a day to sit inside and watch such a dark film. Thank you also to Tim Hauber for the projection of the film and Bud Couts for handling the DVD sales.

Also upstate New York is not actually a different state than the one New York City is in, although it certainly looks and feels like that. Therefore it’s not really appropriate to say: “Bob Evans has been our unofficial caterer on this screening tour – we’ve eaten there in Ohio, in Missouri and now here in Corning. You know, we don’t have Bob Evans in New York.” Because apparently we do – just in that other part of our big state, the gorgeous part.

After hiking for 3 hours along three different trails, we just barely made it to the nearest winery at 5:27pm. Apparently they all close at 5:30pm. We had a quick taste, picked up a few bottles of Penguin Bay wine and started the long drive back via Pennsylvania and New Jersey to “the other New York” .
oh, thank you for the beautiful pictures of the finger lakes region (man, i love that area!)
and what's this?? i don't see you for a week or so and your hair is shorter and blond? (i always loved the blond!)
Haha, you're right about the hair. I actually went back to blond & shortish right between the Ohio trip and the Missouri trip.
The Finger Lakes are so beautiful. I don't think my pictures even do the area justice. But there wasn't much time to get the perfect photos. Just glad I got to see it.