There are about 2100 bridges in Berlin – crossing streets, train tracks, and waterways. For this 1-minute video I wanted to show you just a few special bridges crossing the Spree River (and its side arm) and the Landwehrkanal.

The Oberbaumbrücke in the beginning is probably most people’s favorite Berlin bridge and I’m thinking it deserves its own video one day. I filmed that one the previous week when my mom and I went to film the East Side Gallery.

Filming that bridge and an online conversation with Inge Preuschoff-Perrier (aka MUEHLENinEUROPA aka PreuschoffPerrier) spurred the idea to go out with Judith on last week’s gorgeous Sunday to capture more of Berlin’s bridges.

On Monday, under grey skies, I went back out to finally find Berlin’s oldest remaining bridge: the Jungfernbruecke (Maiden’s Bridge), which also led me to discover the Gertraudenbridge (or Rat Bridge as I like to refer to it).

Unfortunately some bridges filmed couldn’t make it into the video. Of course, there are hundreds of beautiful bridges I didn’t even film at all.

The bridges in order of appearance:
  • Oberbaumbrücke
  • Moltkebrücke
  • bridge at the Hauptbahnhof (central train station)
  • Schlossbrücke (castle bridge)
  • Jungfernbrücke (oldest bridge in Berlin, built 1798)
  • Gertraudenbrücke (rat bridge)
  • um… new bridge next to Gertraudenbridge
  • Grünstrassenbrücke (Green Street Bridge)
  • Eiserne Bruecke (Iron Bridge – I know it’s now made out of sandstone)
  • „Sprung über die Spree“ (jump across the Spree) – bridge connecting Paul-Löbe-Haus and Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, government buildings on the east and west side of the river (yes, very symbolic)
  • Charlottenburger Brücke and Charlottenburger Tor (bridge and gate)

Along the way it became quite apparent that I could have made a whole minute just about love locks chained to bridges. Might be a sweet video. Might be boring. Definitely has me talking with some special people about attaching our own locks. Just have to find the perfect bridges…

The featured song is called “Swallowed by the Sea” and was written and performed by Jason Matherne of Goonygoogoo Productions.

2 Replies to “Berlin Bridges (Brücken) – In A Berlin Minute (Week 96)”

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