Since getting hooked on Twitter, my favorite Twitter meme (a certain regularly scheduled subject/question/prompt that a lot of people share their input on) has been #MusicMonday: every Monday a gazillion people share via Twitter what song they currently like (mostly with a link to a video our clip) and (hash)tag it #MusicMonday.

I figured since I’m already doing it on Twitter, I might as well post them to the blog as well.
In an hour I will have been in Germany for exactly a week. After a few days with my family, I made it to Berlin where I’ll be for the rest of the month; seeing old friends, making new connections, looking for clients/jobs and trying to figure out if we can make this city our home for an extended time.
In that context and maybe because I’m being especially sentimental or just feeling the backlash of an exciting weekend, the following two songs have been (rather appropriately) playing in my head for the last few days…
… an old favorite about old friends (Brent, buddy, this one is for you in particular, of course): “Don’t Flake Out On Me” by Hefner
[Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a video or an embedable song that would work in Germany – but you can listen to it in full on the link above]
… and a newer favorite about my big love, New York City: “Empire State of Mind” by Jay-Z featuring Alicia Keys.

2 Replies to “MusicMonday: Hefner & Jay-Z/Alicia Keys”

  1. We will always talk this way

    tired and slightly jaded

    we will waste our tears

    and we'll be waiting years

    for the friends who always promised that they'd phone us…

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