And I keep on jetting around the country… Last week I flew to Seattle for a screening of All God’s Children – and also managed to tag on a train trip down to Portland for a 2-day vacation. More about the Portland visit in another post. For now, here is the Seattle report.
After a wonderful salmon dinner (Alaska vs. Atlantic salmon – you fight it out) at Anthony’s on Elliott Bay with the Christman family Sunday night, Marilyn Shellrude Christman (one of the MKs featured in the documentary) surprised me with a phenomenal treat the next day: a road trip to Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest.

And we kept on going higher… Climbing near the mountains was a very empowering experience. The magnificence and beauty of the landscape gives hope that there is good and beauty in the world more powerful than the bad actions of mere humans.

The first thing we did Tuesday morning was to read the article about All God’s Children written by Janet I. Tu for the Seattle Times. It’s a very well-written article. But just as fascinating are all the comments. The popluation of Seattle seems to be quite, how should I put this, feisty? My kind of crowd. Of course, I don’t agree with all that’s being said and I was disappointed that the focus went away from the abuse survivors and children at risk and focused on a theological discussion instead.
Katie and I then went on a lovely and relaxing walk around Seward Park along Lake Washington (and ate black berries straight off the plant). Amazing to have these vistas in the middle of a city.
Next stop was the Olympic Sculpture Park – in a perfect setting between downtown buildings and the vastness of Puget Sound with big ships going by.

We had already met Rev. Dr. Marie Fortune at the SNAP conference – so it was wonderful to see her again and to finally meet Jane Fredricksen and Rev. Kathryn Jans of FaithTrust Institute. Our special thanks to them and everyone at Mercer Island Presbyterian Church for organizing this event.
Thank you also to Sarah Christman for manning our table and as always, the biggest thank you to everyone who showed up to witness and engage with the story of the Mamou alumni and to those who shared their own thoughts.

With almost 100 people in attendance this was our second largest screening so far. Altogether this was an outstanding screening with a very receptive, thoughtful and warm audience eager to listen and share. We all were especially moved when an MK who attended Quito Alliance Academy courageously shared his own story.

On the screen MK Keith Beardslee, who will attend the next scheduled screening at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH (September 14).
Good on you hard working people! Keep up the good, hard work. We support you.