The view out of the back window of the M1/M12 line zipping through Berlin neighborhood Mitte, from Friedrichstrasse to Zionskirchplatz – passing through Oranienburger Strasse (with Tacheles and the Synagogue) Hackescher Markt, Rosenthaler Platz and along the Weinberg.

Tram Through Mitte – In A Berlin Minute (Week 146) from Luci Westphal on Vimeo.

Zooming through the streets of Berlin in the tram is one of the perks of living in the old East Berlin neighborhoods. You have to be careful that your bike tires don’t get stuck in the tracks. But when you’re on the tram you can get around relatively quickly and watch the buildings and people and life of the city on smooth tracks and without all the stops of a bus.

This video is, of course, sped up and I’ve taken out all the stops. Btw, it’s my own tram line, which I ride all the time.

The music is “Whirlwind Romance” by none other than Jason Matherne.

Tram on Oranienburger Strasse in Mitte, Berlin

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