Whiskey On Ice (Whiskey Business 2) – In A Colorado Minute (Week 255)

Whiskey dog explores ice for the first time – in the second (official) episode of Whiskey Business: Whiskey On Ice!

Last week, after a beautiful, sunny, amazingly hot morning in the backyard,
we decided to spend the rest of the day at Horsetooth Reservoir on the
Lory State Park side. To our surprise, the coves on the west side of the
reservoir were still covered with some ice, which gave our dog Whiskey
an opportunity to explore the difference between ground, water and ice.
She had been on ice before, but that had been solid as the ground and
surrounded by water and therefore not as puzzling to her or as
entertaining to us.

By the way, since then all the ice seems to be
finally gone and Whiskey got to swim in ice-free water during an
80-degree heat wave over the weekend! Oh Colorado, you and your crazy
sunny climate.

The featured song is the instrumental version of “Snooter” by Josh Woodward (JoshWoodward.com). This song is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 US License. Thank you, Josh!

Whiskey On Ice

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