Wednesday I officially finished a cut of All’s Well and Fair.
I even sent off the film already – crossing fingers or “Daumendruecken” heavily encouraged. Sending it to anyone is a bit unnerving since it’s still very rough (and on Thursday I discovered some ridiculous spelling errors). But there are always those pesky deadlines.
No one has seen this cut (except for my dad who watched the first 15 minutes but doesn’t speak much English) and I tried some new things that are a bit experimental, possibly risky, potentially silly. But in this isolation I was forced to just listen to myself. So I decided to just run with some gut instincts and not worry too much about the decisions, which I found very freeing. Now however it’ll be interesting to see how other people react.
I’d like to have another screening later next week when I’m back in New York.
I want to see it so bad!!!!
Can I get a DVD at the meeting next Saturday?
Chip and I will go to the coffeeshop, watch it, and then come back less than two hours later with superb notes!!!