Clixoom Interview

…my channel GNYBerlin (where I post my In A Berlin Minute videos) – after I shared the news with some of my viewers a bunch of them were so kind…

Big Day

…Five Sisters, which I still hope to edit one day, and in a way with In A Berlin Minute. And maybe I’ll finally get to make Summersquash, the narrative feature…

Like me, Tweet me or Surf on

…the cool YouTube widget for In A Berlin Minute, you should now see the direct link or “Like Box” for the Facebook pages of my web series In A Berlin…

Photos from Szczecin (Stettin) – Poland

A few photos from the shoot of the video “Szczecin (Stettin), Poland – In A Berlin Minute (Week 168)”. You can read more about Szczecin and watch the video HERE. If…